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How can I get strong immune system?

Recently, there have been a lot of advertisements making connections between a strong immune system and the digestive system. How does it actually work? Evidence has proved that eating foods that contain high levels of prebiotics and probiotics, such as yogurt, help keep the digestive system in balance and allow our bodies to effectively absorb the nutrients in our food To do. Help to do. This balance ensures strong immunity. But how, exactly, do they work?
Prebiotics encourage the growth of healthy bacteria in the colon. They are negligible, but they promote health by inhibiting the growth and activity of pathogenic organisms. Because these bad organisms can inhibit the absorption of important minerals and vitamins, such as magnesium and iron, probiotics should be included in your daily diet.
The main difference between PRE and probiotics is the fact that prebiotics are living microorganisms. These living active cultures are a wonderful way of keeping the immune system strong. One study proved that yogurt intake has, in fact, reduced the presence of staph bacteria in the nose, in all places.] They help keep mother's nature clear: not killing all bacteria but "good "Growing Bacteria.
Subsequently, probiotics do not help the purification mechanism. Studies have found that probiotics also play an important role in keeping allergies at bay, including skin allergies such as eczema. Women benefit greatly from the intake of probiotics found in yogurt, as it controls the colonization of yeast. This means that the likelihood of getting a yeast infection is almost non-existent.
If you want to enjoy the abundant health benefits of yogurt, make sure that you are buying yogurt that contains live active cultures, otherwise all chips are off. If your yogurt says "heat is treated after cultivation", be assured that all healthy bacteria are destroyed. Curd that occurs in living active cultures, it is highly effective in preventing cancer, in addition to reducing bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and preventing calcium.
As you can see, regular consumption of live active products, prebiotics and probiotics is essential to keep the immune system in balance. Not only is yogurt high in calcium and protein, it also has many anticancer properties and helps keep cholesterol levels under control. Serving a cup of positive yogurt in your smoothie seasonally can help reduce everyone's better symptoms. Ounce for ounce, yogurt is worth its weight in gold to keep the body running smoothly.


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